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키보드와 신문
뉴스: 2021년 10월 - US Kidney Research Corporation은 투석액이 없는 물을 사용하지 않는 휴대용 및 이식형 인공 신장 기술의 새로운 개발을 위해 국제 KidneyX 1상 인공 신장 콘테스트의 수상자로 선정되었습니다. $650,000의 상금은 우리 회사의 연구를 더욱 발전시키는 데 사용될 것입니다. 3차 경연대회에는 전 세계 기업들이 응모했습니다. 6개 기업이 수상자로 선정되었습니다.
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Latest News


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UCLA Health Article: Artificial kidney could supplant dialysis the decades old standard treatment for kidney failure. Read


University Of Arkansas Article

Device Simulates Filtering and Ion Transport Functions of Human Kidney. Read


Nature, the top scientific journal in the world publishes article on kidney research. 
We were one of the three companies covered in the article. Read


Older News


NEWS - US Kidney Research Corporation (USKRC) is the first in the world to produce synthetic urine from a device other than dialysis.. Read Press Release


US Kidney Research Corp Granted US Patent - Press Release


Communications Materials, one of the Nature family of journals, has published a scientific article written by Dr Ira Kurtz and colleagues.
Simulating nephron ion transport function using activated wafer electrodeionization


Curion Research Corp (now US Kidney Research Corporation) a Winner of the KidneyX Redesign Dialysis Phase 1 Contest. Washington D.C., April 2019 - Curion Research Corporation is chosen as an award winner of the very first KidneyX Redesign Dialysis contest based on its novel "waterless feedback/sensor controlled blood purifying technology”, a first in the industry. The $75,000 award was presented by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the American Society of Nephrology.

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이전 이름인 Curion Research Corporation은 US Kidney Research Corporation으로 변경되었습니다. Curion이라는 이름을 사용하는 다른 여러 미국 기업으로 인해 솔로 아이덴티티를 만들기 위해 이름 변경이 필요했습니다. 


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상태 -1차 동물실험 완료

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뉴스 스토리

미국 보건복지부 

HHS 및 American Society of Nephrology Award KidneyX 재설계 투석 1단계 수상자

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