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(Tidligere Curion Research Corporation)

NYHEDER: oktober 2021 - US Kidney Research Corporation er blevet udvalgt som prisvinder af den internationale KidneyX Phase 1 Artificial Kidney-konkurrence for sin nye udvikling af en dialysatfri vandfri bærbar og implanterbar kunstig nyreteknologi. Prisen på $650.000 vil blive brugt til at fremme vores virksomheds forskning. Virksomheder fra hele verden ansøgte om konkurrencen i tredje runde. Seks virksomheder blev udvalgt som vindere.
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Latest News
USKRC Breaks the Mold With New Revolutionary Ultrafilter Dialysis Membrane. Read
Our New Ultra-filter Membrane Detailed in Scientific Reports (a Nature Publication). Read
UCLA Health Article: Artificial kidney could supplant dialysis the decades old standard treatment for kidney failure. Read
University Of Arkansas Article
Device Simulates Filtering and Ion Transport Functions of Human Kidney. Read
Nature, the top scientific journal in the world publishes article on kidney research.
We were one of the three companies covered in the article. Read
Older News
NEWS - US Kidney Research Corporation (USKRC) is the first in the world to produce synthetic urine from a device other than dialysis.. Read Press Release
US Kidney Research Corp Granted US Patent - Press Release
Communications Materials, one of the Nature family of journals, has published a scientific article written by Dr Ira Kurtz and colleagues.
Simulating nephron ion transport function using activated wafer electrodeionization
Curion Research Corp (now US Kidney Research Corporation) a Winner of the KidneyX Redesign Dialysis Phase 1 Contest. Washington D.C., April 2019 - Curion Research Corporation is chosen as an award winner of the very first KidneyX Redesign Dialysis contest based on its novel "waterless feedback/sensor controlled blood purifying technology”, a first in the industry. The $75,000 award was presented by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the American Society of Nephrology.
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Meddelte patenter:
USA, Kina, Indien og Japan
Vores tidligere navn, Curion Research Corporation, blev ændret til US Kidney Research Corporation. Navneændringen var nødvendig for at skabe en solo-identitet, da flere andre amerikanske virksomheder brugte navnet Curion.
Der findes en fungerende prototype. Der udføres løbende forskning og eksperimenter for at forbedre ionselektiviteten og andre aspekter af de interne moduler.
Status -1. Dyreundersøgelse afsluttet
2. dyreundersøgelse afsluttet
US Department of Human and Health Services
Vindere af HHS og American Society of Nephrology Award KidneyX Redesign Dialyse Fase 1
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